God's Word: Forever Established And Settled

By Vitus Ejiogu
The value of a man's word depends upon what you know about him. If a man promises to give you half of all he has, it greatly matters who he is and the ability has to fulfill those promises. The Bible tells us that God never reneges on His promises, and when He promises a thing, He goes ahead to fulfill it (Isaiah 55:8-11; 43:13; Matthew 24:35). The Word of God is hidden to many people today because of the quest for human wisdom and logic. Human wisdom, worldliness and unbelief have made the power hidden in the Word of God to be as if there is nothing in it (Hebrews 3:16-19; 4:1-6). It should be noted that because the action of God's Word begins in the mind, many people fail to observe and to believe it.

Nevertheless, it is true that anyone has the right to believe or not believe in the power of God's Word, but the fact remains that the Word of God has power to illuminate our darkness and remove the lukewarm tendencies in us. It brings the understanding of God, source of love and knowledge of Him. The Word of God can also fill us with courage to conquer, cleanse us, sanctify us, and purify us.

The truth of God's Word is not in contention because God has established (or settled) His Word in heaven and made it stand firm (Psalm 119:89). When we align ourselves with the Word of God, our own words receive the power they need to limit Satan's ability. Satan knows that we can have what we say and so tries to tempt us into saying and believing contrary things about God's Word. When we act contrary to God's Word, our words give Satan free reign. Let me quickly remind you here that you are the "establishing witness", and so whatever you say as a child of God (a Christian), will come to pass.

In the book of John 10:10, the Bible tells us that the purpose of Satan is to kill and destroy, and so he uses pain and other physical symptoms and circumstances to hinder God's children from speaking God's Word in faith. When you fail to align your speech with God's Word, you make yourself prone to Satan's manipulations.

Jesus, in His own time, experienced positive results, because He only spoke the Word of God. God expects you to also align your speech with His Word. This means that you should always examine your words diligently so that you won't give the Devil authority in your life. Do not forget that Words which are spoken contrary to God's Word can hinder His ability to "raise you" out of your circumstance (James 5:15).

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6179732

Fixing Your Eyes on Jesus

By Dr Bob Wilkerson
Hebrews 12: 2 Fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross.

Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, there is something about the name. Do you have your eyes fixed on Jesus? If your eyes are not on Jesus what are they on? It is so easy to be pulled into the worlds view about life. It is easy to place Jesus in a closet and not fix your eyes, your life firmly on His power.

Fix your eyes on the Lord. In His power and love is peace. In His presence, there is joy. You might have allowed your eyes to move to other objects for peace, joy and love. Today, turn your eyes back to the savior. Right now, remember His sacrifice for you. Turn your eyes to the Savior. He will carry your burdens. He will never leave you or forsake you. Jesus loves you, gave His life for you and will return for you one day.

Jesus is the author, the writer and the giver of life. He is in the process of perfecting your faith. He longs for you to fix your gaze on Him and nothing else. Jesus could see your face on the road to the cross. As the nails were driven into the hands and feet of Jesus, He whispered your name. When the Roman soldiers dropped the wooden cross into the hole and His pain intensified, He felt your pain.

Jesus, there is something wonderful about His name. At the name of Jesus, broken hearts are healed. If you have never called on the name of Jesus, why don't you do it today? Call out to Him and He will hear and come.

Prayer Focus: Jesus I ask you to come into my heart and give me life. I believe you died on the cross just for me. I know you whispered my name on the cross and I will not be ashamed of yours.

Dr Bob Wilkerson is author of the book, "I Will Not Be Defeated Anymore". He is dedicated to helping others recover from life altering circumstances. Dr. Bob is a motivational speaker/singer with a true life story of God's power to change any individuals life. If your Church or organization is looking for a dynamic speaker/singer please email him today
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/737790

The Armor of God

by Andy Soyars
"Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand
against the devil's schemes." (Eph. 6:11).
Now at first glance, this seems like a simple instruction...
put on the full armor of God. But when you really stop to
think about this thing for a minute, it actually reveals a lot
more than it says.
 First of all, assuming that you're a child of
God, you don't have to go buy your armor or make your own,
you already have it somewhere. It's given to you as a gift
when you accept Jesus as your Savior. If you're not a child of
God, you have no armor, nor can you obtain it on your own.

Secondly, and pay very close attention to this: just because
you may have your armor, that doesn't mean you're wearing
it! If you were already wearing it, Paul wouldn't be telling you
to put it on! You have the armor of God in your possession,
but you have the choice of whether to wear it or not. You can
wear it today and take it off tomorrow. You can wake up and
leave it in the corner this morning, and come back for it after
lunch, if you wish.
It's not a part of your body. It's a part of your attire...just
like your underwear and socks. Wear 'em or don't. It's your
choice. A good many of us keep our armor all shined up in the
corner, stacked nicely and neatly on top of our Bibles...which
is why we've become so competent at getting our (censored)
kicked! We have no protection! Instead we choose to use it as
a dust cover for the instruction manual while we run around
naked getting whupped up on! This is the category that most
of us fall into, I would suspect.

Why are we to put on the armor?
"...so that you can take your stand against the devil's
Now these two ideas, putting on your armor and standing
against the devil's schemes, were so important to Paul that he
mentioned them again just two verses later...just in case you
missed them the first time.
"Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the
day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and
after you have done everything, to stand." (Eph. 6:13).
Put on the armor! It's yours and it's for your benefit, so put
it on, for crying out loud! A lot of us don't even know we have
it, but we do. A lot of us that know we have it don't bother to
wear it, so it does us no good. It's not heavy like the armor of
the medieval knights. We don't need help slipping it over our
shoulders and buckling it in the back. All we have to do is
pick it up and put it on! It's for your own protection!
"...so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to
stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to

So you can stand against the devil's schemes. So that when
the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground.
So that after you have done everything you can do, you can
still stand. You can keep getting knocked on your kiester all
day long if you like...day after day, week after week and
month after month. But you don't have to. You can stand. If
you want to. If you choose to wear your armor.
Andy has been a Bible student for years, with an often unique take on God's word! Feel free to check out his new video on youtube! Feel free to stop by his free website for some great ways to help you through today! Stop by imonlywood.com today!

The Trial of Our Faith

by Ellen G. White
In this time of trial we need to be encouraged and comforted by one another. The temptations of Satan are greater now than ever before, for he knows that his time is short and that very soon every case will be decided, either for life or for death. It is no time now to sink down beneath discouragement and trial; we must bear up under all our afflictions and trust wholly in the Almighty God of Jacob. The Lord has shown me that His grace is sufficient for all our trials; and although they are greater than ever before, yet if we trust wholly in God, we can overcome every temptation and through His grace come off victorious.

If we overcome our trials and get victory over the temptations of Satan, then we endure the trial of our faith, which is more precious than gold, and are stronger and better prepared to meet the next. But if we sink down and give way to the temptations of Satan, we shall grow weaker and get no reward for the trial and shall not be so well prepared for the next. In this way we shall grow weaker and weaker, until we are led captive by Satan at his will. We must have on the whole armor of God and be ready at any moment for a conflict with the powers of darkness. When temptations and trials rush in upon us, let us go to God and agonize with Him in prayer. He will not turn us away empty, but will give us grace and strength to overcome, and to break the power of the enemy. Oh, that all could see these things in their true light and endure hardness as good soldiers of Jesus! Then would Israel move forward, strong in God, and in the power of His might.

God has shown me that He gave His people a bitter cup to drink, to purify and cleanse them. It is a bitter draught, and they can make it still more bitter by murmuring, complaining, and repining. But those who receive it thus must have another draught, for the first does not have its designed effect upon the heart. And if the second does not effect the work, then they must have another, and another, until it does have its designed effect, or they will be left filthy, impure in heart. I saw that this bitter cup can be sweetened by patience, endurance, and prayer, and that it will have its designed effect upon the hearts of those who thus receive it, and God will be honored and glorified. It is no small thing to be a Christian and to be owned and approved of God. The Lord has shown me some who profess the present truth, whose lives do not correspond with their profession. They have the standard of piety altogether too low, and they come far short of Bible holiness. Some engage in vain and unbecoming conversation, and others give way to the risings of self. We must not expect to please ourselves, live and act like the world, have its pleasures, and enjoy the company of those who are of the world, and reign with Christ in glory.

We must be partakers of Christ's sufferings here if we would share in His glory hereafter. If we seek our own interest, how we can best please ourselves, instead of seeking to please God and advance His precious, suffering ca`use, we shall dishonor God and the holy cause we profess to love. We have but a little space of time left in which to work for God. Nothing should be too dear to sacrifice for the salvation of the scattered and torn flock of Jesus. Those who make a covenant with God by sacrifice now will soon be gathered home to share a rich reward and possess the new kingdom forever and ever.

Oh, let us live wholly for the Lord and show by a well-ordered life and godly conversation that we have been with Jesus and are His meek and lowly followers. We must work while the day lasts, for when the dark night of trouble and anguish comes, it will be too late to work for God. Jesus is in His holy temple and will now accept our sacrifices, our prayers, and our confessions of faults and sins and will pardon all the transgressions of Israel, that they may be blotted out before He leaves the sanctuary. When Jesus leaves the sanctuary, then they who are holy and righteous will be holy and righteous still; for all their sins will then be blotted out, and they will be sealed with the seal of the living God. But those that are unjust and filthy will be unjust and filthy still; for then there will be no Priest in the sanctuary to offer their sacrifices, their confessions, and their prayers before the Father's throne. Therefore what is done to rescue souls from the coming storm of wrath must be done before Jesus leaves the most holy place of the heavenly sanctuary.


Fruit of the Spirit

By Albert Kang
The Double Emphasis

In the past, the Pentecostal movement and the Charismatic movement had emphasized heavily on teachings about the gifts of the Holy Spirit. This emphasis was good at that time because many churches had either rejected or neglected the manifestation of such spiritual gifts. However, just like a pendulum of an old clock, these movements had swung too much, so much so that there were limited instructions about the fruit of the Spirit. If it was taught, it was placed only in secondary to the topic of the spiritual gifts. The most appropriate way to teach the church is to make a double emphasis - one cannot do without the other. It is almost like making a double emphasis to impress upon a young child the importance of both the father and mother in his life. He should not reject or neglect one in preference for the other.

For The Father's Glory

The Bible makes it clear that it is to God the Father's glory that we bear much fruit, showing that we are the Disciples of Christ (John 15:8). The Father's glory here is not referring to the glow around the throne of God. This glory refers to how we conduct our lives that should ultimately make obvious who God really is. For us to glorify God means that our every behavior and action should reveal the presence of God tangibly enough to those who have no ability to encounter God on their own. As non-believers are unable to directly sense the Shekinah glory of His presence, they will be dependent upon us to demonstrate that through our godly behavior and actions.

By Their Fruits

Jesus said that Christians should be evaluated by their fruits but he never said by their gifts (Matthew 7:16). When I was pastoring in Pennsylvania, I was invited to visit a farm. The farmer never brought me to the tool shed to show me his tools but to the field to show his crops. In the same manner, we should acknowledge that the gifts of the Holy Spirit are but tools and therefore should not be used to evaluate one's spiritual growth and success. When we use the tools to bring forth the fruits then the Lord will be pleased. He will evaluate or effectiveness and productivity by our fruits. The number of tools will not impress Him because after all He is the one who gave us those in the first place.
Right fruit
Bearing fruits alone is not enough because we must bear the right kind of fruits. We may try to trick God by tying apples onto our pear tree. However that will not work. A pear tree cannot bear apples. Jesus said, "Do people pick grapes from thorn bushes or figs from thistles? Likewise every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them" (Matthew 7:16-20, NIV).

Growing The Fruits

The Bible always refers to our human behavior and attitudes as fruits. This means that we are responsible for bearing the fruits of the Spirit because God has given us the Holy Spirit. Bearing fruits is hard work while receiving gifts is easy. The process of bearing fruits is not so much in the doing but in the being. We can do with being but we cannot be without doing. Jesus emphasized on the process of becoming. That is why we are to be witnesses and not just do witnessing. We are to be Disciples and not just going through the motion of being discipled. Jesus is not happy with just the outward form but the real substance.

In Matthew 21:18 - 19, we learn that one early morning, Jesus while on his way back to the city, became hungry. He saw a fig tree in full splendor and thinking that it would have some fruits. However after He went to check, He found nothing on it except leaves. He was not happy - even a fruit tree that had only form and no substance would irritate Jesus. He spoke to the tree, "May you never bear fruit again!" Immediately the tree withered. This incident was recorded so that for generations, we may all learn a spiritual lesson from it. No matter how self-important we are, if we do not bear the fruits that are required by the Lord, we will all suffer the same fate as the fruitless fig tree.

The process of becoming a fruitful Disciple lies within our nature. Like we have said, a pear tree will bear pears and not apples, therefore a godly nature will bear godly fruits and not ungodly ones. What if we see ungodly fruits? Well, that means that we have not been grafted into the Vine (John 15, Romans 11). We have not been abiding with the Lord regularly enough so as to allow His godliness to flow through us. We have operated too much in our own wisdom and flesh and only the fruits of the flesh are coming out.

One Singular Fruit Of The Spirit

In Galatians 5:22-23, we read the classic passage on the Fruit of the Spirit. Please take note that in this passage, Paul used a singular tense for word "fruit". This means the Fruit of the Spirit is a singular item. We are often mistaken by thinking that there are nine parts to this fruit. The fact is that there are only eight parts. Love is not a part! The whole fruit is known as "Love" or in the Greek, "Agape". Joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control are the eight parts that form the manifestation of this singular "Agape" fruit. I have used an orange in my teaching to illustrate this fact. An orange has many slices inside. These slices are distinguishable. This means that one slice should be mistaken for another slice. Faithfulness should not be confused with patience; peace should not be mistaken to be self-control etc. If we take away the slices, the orange skin alone does not constitute the whole orange. Therefore, recognizing that, we must remember that it is all the slices combined together to make a whole orange. It is all the eight parts that combine together to make the Fruit of the Spirit known as "Agape".

Let me reiterate: Agape love represents the whole Fruit of the Spirit. What Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 13 also substantiates this fact: "Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres" (1 Corinthians 13:4 -7).

If we allowed our hearts to be filled with the love of God, then all the other eight parts of the Fruit of the Spirit will be manifested. Let me conclude this article by sharing these pointers.

Love as the Fruit of the Spirit is manifested in: 
- Joy 
- Joy is the gratefulness of Love 
- Peace 
- Peace is the confidence of Love 
- Patience 
- Patience is the fortitude of Love 
- Kindness 
- Kindness is the expression of Love 
- Goodness 
- Goodness is the demonstration of Love 
- Faithfulness 
- Faithfulness is the reliance of Love 
- Gentleness 
- Gentleness is the modesty of Love 
- Self-control 
- Self-control is the stamina of Love

May you grow in the love of the Lord Jesus Christ and bear the Fruit of the Spirit. God bless.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3099998

"My God Shall Supply All Your Need" Philippians 4:19

by Chuck Hall Jr.
"But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition. For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows." 1 Timothy 6:9-10
The Bible tells us that the LORD is "magnified" to bless His people with "prosperity" by providing their "needs." (Ps. 35:27; Phil. 4:19) Jesus also instructed us to pray for that which we "desire." (Mk. 11:24) As we "delight" ourselves in the LORD He promised to grant the desires of our hearts which will naturally align with His will as we are truly given over to and delighting in Him (Ps. 37:4).
"Let them shout for joy, and be glad, that favor my righteous cause: yea, let them say continually, Let the LORD be magnified, which hath pleasure in the prosperity of his servant." Psalms 35:27
The word "prosperity" appears in this passage, and yet we must consider the whole of Holy Scripture - the full-counsel of God's Word - to define true "prosperity." Left to deprave leaders who are wolves wearing sheep's clothing, this word "prosperity" has been given a definition foreign to what Scripture defines. The enemy uses this misrepresentation as a tool to draw men away to idolatry, lust, and greed and away from the purpose for which God made them - to know and love Him and not allow anything to come between their worship and complete trust in Him. "Evil workers" who "mind earthly things" and are "enemies of the cross of Christ," now call us to worship at the altar of self - to lust after and pursue the fleeting wealth of this world. Yet, this path leads to the forfeiting of eternal treasures in Heaven (Phil. 3:1-3, 17-19). Those who love this world and the things in it are enemies of God and will not inherit eternal life (James 4:4; 1 Jn. 2:15-17).

"But my God shall supply all your NEED according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus." (Phil. 4:19) The believers at Philippi were givers. They gave until it hurt and these believers are specifically to whom this promise is given. Note carefully the word "needs." This would include food, clothing, and perhaps shelter (Matt. 6:24-35).
Though Jesus didn't come to die to make His people lavishly wealthy in this life, it should be kept in mind that there are perhaps those who are especially gifted by God to be givers and to do extensive funding of kingdom works/ministries (Rom. 12:8).

What New Testament apostle was rich in this world? Can you name even one? The New Testament records reveal not one hint of any leader who was lavishly rich in material goods in his earthly life. The apostle Peter declared "Silver and gold have I none." (Acts 3:6)
In His earthly life, did the Son of God choose to be rich with material goods? No! Biblically, how can we justify seeking to be rich in this fleeting world. Doing such is rebellion and will cause the saint to forfeit eternal blessings - then, in the afterlife of Heaven (Prov. 23:4; Matt. 6:19-20; 1 Tim. 6:6-11).

The Word informs us that "The earth is the LORD'S, and the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein." (Ps. 24:1) He who made all things owns the "cattle upon a thousand hills." - "For every beast of the forest is mine, and the cattle upon a thousand hills." (Ps. 50:10) Do you like barbequed "beast"? God owns them all and He will provide them for His own!

Though the LORD does take care of all of those that are His and blesses them, Christ was not emphasizing the possession of an abundance of material goods when He said He would give His own life for us and gives us life "more abundantly." (Jn. 10:10) In another place He commanded His people to "Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment?" (Matt. 6:25) When Christ spoke of giving His beloved people life "more abundantly", He was speaking of the spiritual life they would receive as they followed Him, the "Great Shepherd of the sheep." (Jn. 10:1-21; Eph. 1:3; Heb. 13:20)

John 10:10 is a verse commonly siphoned out of its context and misused by word of faith teachers. In John 10:10 the Son of God was speaking of knowing Him and His Father, being one of His sheep, hearing His voice, and following Him (see John 10). He made us to know and commune with Him (Gen. 1-3; Exod. 25:8; Jn. 17:3; Phil. 3:10). This is why we were created and redeemed and this is the only thing we have to glory in (Jer. 9:23-24; Jn. 17:3). That's what true riches are about - knowing and following Christ. We have no riches outside of what we have in Christ the LORD who is our "exceeding great reward." (Gen. 15:1). While on earth, at times Jesus had no place to lay His head (Matt. 8:20). The Son of God told us "My kingdom is not of this world." (Jn. 18:36)

We need nothing more in this late hour than to draw nigh (close) to the LORD and He promises to then draw nigh to us (James 4:8).
Todd Tomasella's prayer is that God's love fill and emanate from the lives of all who read these words. For more details about Gospel tracts, Audios, articles, study guides, Bible school modules and theoriginalgospel.com visit these sites many more resources available.

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